About Arnoud Huibers

Arnoud Huibers is a Licensed psychologist, psychotherapist, and couples- and family therapist in The Netherlands. He was trained at the University of Utrecht and completed his post-graduate degree, at the Academic Medical Centre of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
With Insoo Kim Berg he co-founded Solutions Centre, an international training centre that aims to disseminate the Solution Focused Approach through training and consultation.
Arnoud is a member of the Dutch Association of Psychologists (NIP), Psychotherapists (LVVP), Couples and Family Therapists (NVRG), and Child- and Youth Therapists (VKJP). He is a founding member of the Academy of Solution-Focused Approaches and Research in India (ASFAR).
He is currently a psychotherapist and trainer at Solution Centre in Soesterberg, the Netherlands, and a trainer of the Solution-Focused Approach around the world.
Do you have any questions you want to ask Arnoud? Feel free to contact him!